I met Sam about 3 months after my first daughter was born back in 2014. I had been working in a different industry and was not very happy with my job before I went out on maternity leave and when my 3 months hit, I was not ready to return, so I called my supervisor and asked for more time off. She let me know that they needed my job filled and could not give me any more time, so I gave my resignation. The exact day I had that conversation my friend Tammy who I had worked with at a lender reached out to me asking “do you like your job? Because I have a friend that can use some help with processing.”
I started part time with Sam, Robert, and Gilbert so that I could be with my little one when she and I needed each other the most. These “co-workers” soon started to feel like family to me, brothers, who’s goals I wanted to get behind and push myself to do anything I could think of to watch us all succeed. Sam encouraged me to get my Loan Originator’s license and my Notary, and he’s always supported and encouraged new dreams for me.
I’ve worked for a few big corporations in the past – some lenders, different financial companies, tech companies, and the reason I now choose to work for a small local company can be summed up in one word. Family. My Easy Mortgage is family, when someone is sick everyone rallies to take care of their clients. When someone books a vacation, we all get excited for them and come together to make sure they don’t feel like they are letting anyone down. When I had my second baby and wasn’t ready to leave her home, but loved my work and wanted to come back, I asked if I could bring her with me instead and she spent the first year of her life being loved on and cared for by the entire office. One of my favorite stories about Sam is one day he walked into the office while on the phone mid-conversation with a client and my little one was starting to get fussy and the rest of us were also on the phone. Sam stopped mid-sentence and said, “hold on a second, I have to pick up a baby real quick” and he did, he picked her up and made funny faces at her for the rest of his conversation with his client while she giggled.
My Easy Mortgage is family but It’s much more than that for me, it’s my place where I get to go and feel like my life’s work matters. Each of our clients is like family to us – I get to help people own their own homes, I get to help our sales team reach personal goals, I get to help my fellow teammates tackle tough issues and strategize real solutions that help people. We support each other and we support our community.